quotations about weddings

I believe in a traditional wedding, with one guy, one girl, and one dad with a shotgun.


Sleepwalking Is Restercise

Usually the people who love weddings are the ones about to plan them, so take note if your [special someone] suddenly cares about centerpieces.


"11 Subtle Signs Your Partner Might Be About To Propose", Bustle, April 14, 2017

Las Vegas weddings are a phenomenon not quite like any other. The industry attracts cheers and jeers, but it touches a couple of hundred thousand people annually on the most important day of their lives.


Las Vegas Weddings

Tags: Susan Marg

Regardless of your nationality or religion, the word "wedding" evokes a joyous reaction in almost everybody, unless you're a cynic. It's one of those feel-good words, and rightfully so. Weddings are a time of merriment, festivities and grandiose decor.


"SARNA: Tradition ties weddings together", The Daily Free Press, January 18, 2016

A wedding is earth and water
and a species of irreducible light
and the flat belly of a harbor
and a mango about to ripen and fall into gravity's caress
and the waves subsiding and resuming their concerto in a minor key
and the rush hour canceled by the stun of auspicious beginnings.


The Blaze of Poui: Poems

The sight of a wedding always has a disturbing effect on young girls; at such moments a mysterious sense of solidarity with their own sex takes possession of them.


Beware of Pity

Tags: Stefan Zweig

Weddings are celebrated differently all over the world, whether it's a long-standing cultural tradition or a religious ritual outlined in the most sacred of texts. When two families and cultures come together, it's an opportunity to highlight the traditions that the couple finds most meaningful, creating a wedding celebration that's unique and highly personal. Choosing which traditions to include, however, also means choosing which ones to skip.


"How to Set Wedding Expectations When Your Families are From Different Cultures", Brides, February 1, 2016

The personality of weddings is changing. Since couples are waiting longer to get married, many in the wedding industry are seeing more confidence and more financial security in today's engaged couples. As a result, they are taking control of the wedding planning, a role that traditionally belonged to parents. And since couples are taking the reins, more of their personalities shine through in the details of the big day!


"Weddings get a modern makeover", The Jewish Voice, January 21, 2016

There's a shift in attitude around weddings that favours having guests there to celebrate and have a good time, rather than getting a big, extravagant gift.


"Millennials are spending a lot of money to go to weddings", Global News, April 12, 2017

A wedding can be anything you want it to be, however, as people have been getting hitched for quite some time now, a lot of traditions are there for a reason. Even if it's only a sentimental one -- let's face it, other than signing the legal documentation, the weddings are all sentiment.


"7 Wedding Traditions You Shouldn't Ditch", Pop Sugar, April 7, 2017

Listen! it is the chime of wedding bells,
That comes through th'intervening woods at ev'n
Scarce heard; and, with alternate falls and swells,
Vibrates and floats amid the azure Heav'n.
How musical! and what a tale it tells
Of nuptial promises received and giv'n;
Glad hearts, and glowing smiles, and dancing eyes,
Ecstatic hopes, and airy gaieties.


"The Wedding Bells"