quotations about writing

I want to be the apostle of self destruction. I want my book to affect man's reason, his emotions, his nerves, his whole animal nature. I should like my book to make people turn pale with horror as they read it, to affect them like a drug, like a terrifying dream, to drive them mad, to make them curse and hate me but still to read me.


diary, August 1, 1891

Tags: Leonid Andreyev

If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.


On Writing

Tags: Stephen King

In the end, the writer is not even allowed to live in his writing.


Minima Moralia

Tags: Theodor W. Adorno

Mostly, we authors must repeat ourselves--that's the truth. We have two or three great moving experiences in our lives--experiences so great and moving that it doesn't seem at the time that anyone else has been so caught up and pounded and dazzled and astonished and beaten and broken and rescued and illuminated and rewarded and humbled in just that way ever before.


"One Hundred False Starts", Saturday Evening Post, March 4, 1933

The old, slow, creaking descriptions are a thing of the past; today the rule is brevity -- but every word must be supercharged, high-voltage.


A Soviet Heretic

Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

To leave the reader free to decide what your work means, that's the real art; it makes the work inexhaustible.


The Guardian, December 17, 2005

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin

When I write, I don't know what is going to emerge. I begin in a condition of complete unknowing, an utter nakedness of concept or goal. A word appears, another word appears, an image. It is a moving into mystery.


The Atlantic Online, September 18, 1997

Tags: Jane Hirshfield

Writing in the first person can be claustrophobic--everything that happens in the book is notionally filtered through the narrator, and one can long for the fresh air of another perspective. One can luxuriate in the peculiar world of a character, but there are limitations. Ironizing that person's experience is difficult. You need perhaps a candid old friend of the narrator who can tell a few truths the narrator prefers to ignore.


The Paris Review, winter 2011

Tags: Alan Hollinghurst

As the deadline looms, my quality of writing is in danger of declining all because I just had to check my email.


"The Dangers of Distracted Writing", Huffington Post, February 28, 2016

At one time I used to keep notebooks with outlines for stories. But I found doing this somehow deadened the idea in my imagination. If the notion is good enough, if it truly belongs to you, then you can't forget it--it will haunt you till it's written.


The Paris Review, spring-summer 1957

Tags: Truman Capote

Every author has the whole past to contend with; all the centuries are upon him. He is compared with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton.



Tags: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Every character is an extension of the author's own personality.


The New York Times, September 18, 1966

Tags: Edward Albee

Genre categories are irrelevant. I dislike them, but I do not have the casting vote. Writing is writing and stories are stories. Perhaps the only true genres are fiction and non-fiction. And even there, who can be sure?


Tabula Rasa, October 1994

I spend a lot of time loathing the sentences that I put down on the page. Once I'm past that phase, it doesn't really matter what the routine is (coffee shop, someone else's house, my dining room table), I'm pretty fast. I go back to the start of whatever I'm working on, every half hour or so, and revise my way back to where I left off. I have my headphones on, I'm checking email, I look at Twitter and Tumblr, and drink a lot of coffee. I need a lot of distraction to work.


interview, Electric Lit, February 6, 2015

Tags: Kelly Link

I truly believe that writing is a continuum--so the different genres and forms are simply stops along the same continuum. Different ideas that need to be expressed sometimes require different forms for the ideas to float better.


interview, UTNE Reader, June 2010

Tags: Chris Abani

Keep your head down, avoid all the distractions of being a writer today--all the shifts in the business, all the drama, all the debating about where publishing is going--and write the best story that you can. It sounds a bit glib, but I think this is advice a lot of people are having trouble following right now. It is so hard to focus. But that is the single key to success.


The Big Thrill, June 30, 2013

Tags: Jeff Abbott

Rejection has value. It teaches us when our work or our skillset is not good enough and must be made better. This is a powerful revelation, like the burning UFO wheel seen by the prophet Ezekiel, or like the McRib sandwich shaped like the Virgin Mary seen by the prophet Steve Jenkins. Rejection refines us. Those who fall prey to its enervating soul-sucking tentacles are doomed. Those who persist past it are survivors. Best ask yourself the question: what kind of writer are you? The kind who survives? Or the kind who gets asphyxiated by the tentacles of woe?


"25 Things Writers Should Know About Rejection", Terrible Minds

The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it.


Paris Review, spring 1958

The reason why so few good books are written is, that so few people who can write know anything. In general an author has always lived in a room, has read books, has cultivated science, is acquainted with the style and sentiments of the best authors, but he is out of the way of employing his own eyes and ears. He has nothing to hear and nothing to see. His life is a vacuum.


Shakespeare: The Man

Tags: Walter Bagehot

There's no magic bullet for being a decent writer, or making people bond with your characters or fall in love with your story. Writing is a million different skills and challenges, and each story is different. But the more I struggle to make this work, the more I think there's one key thing that makes writing more excellent: Finding your own blind spots as an author, and trying to see into them.


"The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do To Make Your Writing More Awesome", Gizmodo, February 25, 2016